
Alright Story, What's the Folks? - A Mark Fanfic with a twist!



I sat there in the quietness of the trees at Hazelwoods, contemplating my life. It had been 2 months, since the split, and I was still struggling with my emotions. I felt as though the carpet had been pulled from beneath my feet, and I'd fall into obscurity.

There was always someone who had to have the last word on the split. After a while, I gave up defending the others, and concentrated on me for once. I'd had a few offers from record companies, but I didn't know exactly how I would go, would I sink or swim.

I still keep in contact with Nicky, he's like another brother to me. I am not saying that I wasn't  close to the others, but Nicky was the oldest, and he and I have had a lot of ups and downs in our lives.

I don't see Shane and Kian, even though they still live in Sligo. I think we just steer clear of each other, which is sad really, as we've been through so much, but if that's the way they want to deal with it, then so be it.

Shane is married, I don't think happily is the right word. He's doing well with his horses, and he's gone from being top pop star to plain old Shane. I think his wife Gillian would prefer him to get back into the music industry but I don't think Shane wants to.

I'll forever chuckle over their wedding, what a debacle that was. It rained the whole day, and Shane and Gillian hadn't planned on an alternative location for the wedding, if the weather was bad. They were supposed to get married in the gardens of their property, but ended up getting married in the stables, among 20 or so horses. I don't think Gillian was impressed, even in the middle of the ceremony, one of the horses did his business through the fence, unknowingly landing on Gillian's dress.

It was weird how Nicky wasn't there. I didn't really think that there was conflict between Shane and Nicky.

Nix explained to me later, that he couldn't face the wedding, after all he'd nearly been through. Nicky was left standing at the altar by Georgina

It seemed, that Georgina had had second thoughts about the wedding and forgot to tell Nicky before it was too late.

Nicky nearly had a breakdown, which nearly broke the band. Me, Bryan and Kerry helped Nicky over his troubles, the other two didn't care. They were more interested in making music and earning money. It seemed that a mates troubles wasn't that important as the band was.

Bryan had a go at Kian for trying to be the 'leader' of the band and Kian replied saying he was the one that the ladies wanted.

Bryan replied with 'and the men!!'

So all the little arguments built up to one big fight. It started with words being shouted then nearly coming to an full-on fight but me being the sensible one, managed to stop it from being ugly and getting out of hand. It seemed that Bryan and Kian had had a minor disagreement, then somehow Shane and Nicky were involved not by choice, I don't think. I wasn't involved, for some reason! Nicky stuck by Bryan, being fellow Dubliners, and Shane with Kian, well who knows why those two stuck together.

It was there and then that the band went its separate ways, or in simple words SPLIT UP! But not before releasing one final single, which was quite fitting everyone sang on, as a thank you to our fans.

It went to number one, which was like a thank you from our fans, who had grown with us through the years.



So much has happened. I cant believe that what has happened, happened, if you get the picture? Where does one start?

Of course with me! Well the big big big news is that I'm happily in love with Nicky. Confused?? Well, everyone was confused and shocked when we officially announced that we were dating each other. Our families were pleased, they had known about our sexuality for a while, but when we told them that we were in love with each other, they accepted us both with open arms.  It felt so wonderful to finally feel in love. Over the past years, I've never felt so in love as I do with Nicky.

It was 2004 that we both realised and decided that we couldn't keep our feelings about each other inside. By unlocking those feelings we began to cherish the moments and be more than friends.

I think the hardest part has been the comments from other celebrities. Some celebrities have been very supported, while others have not been so kind. Its like some people frown upon Gay people saying that they are lower-class and wouldn't associate with them at all times possible. I did get prior warning about this from a person I consider a valuable friend. His name is Stephen Gately.

Once I announced that I was gay, he was the first person on the phone, giving me advice and he was an ear for any questions I may have had.  He was so helpful, and has offered for us to stay with him anytime.

Stephen is always there if I had any problems, and he respects the fact that he is my role model. I don't care what others might say, its my life, so I can be who I want to be, so being gay, its my life and no one else's.

In 2005 we both became fathers for the first time, to a wee son called James Michael Byrne-Feehily. Its my biological son, and Nicky is like another dad to him. James's mother is very wonderful, and understanding, she lives with us, and didn't have to think twice before agreeing to be a surrogate mother for us. She doesn't care about the publicity that has arisen from the birth of James.

People often stop her and ask her why she did it? and she tells them, she did it out of her heart, why let two guys not experience the joys of bringing up a beautiful baby into the world. She also gets a lot of criticism for doing it, but she says that she'd do it all over again for us.

In 2006, saw us blessed with a daughter. Rose Yvonne Byrne-Feehily. She looks like her father Nicky. We now have given the best gift to our parents, 2 beautiful grandchildren. Its so amazing that we can give this wonderful gift to them.

James and Rose have loads of loving aunts and uncles, especially Uncle Barry and Uncle Colm who seem to spoil them rotten. My brothers have been very supportive and have had to deal with the negativity that me being gay has brought them.

The Church are debating whether it will become legal for same sexed marriage to be allowed. I am all for it, and so is Nicky. I think if the law is passed, then there will be no delay is sealing our relationship by marriage.

So its 2007 now, and it has so far been a up and down year. The church has rejected the law for same sexed marriage which hasn't deter us, for we both agree that we don't need a piece of paper to say that we are in a loving relationship, with two adorable children who bring joy to our lives.

My parents and my brothers are happily organising my brother Barry's wedding, I cant believe he's getting married so soon, I would have thought that he'd wait a bit longer.

Barry has asked me to be his groomsmen, a job I have accepted with honour.

The wedding has been a big surprise, as unknown to me, there was last minute debating over the same sexed marriage law, and it is now legal to have same sexed marriages.

It took me a while to realize that I wasn't at Barry and Cali's wedding, but I was about to take part in a very special wedding, the first wedding to be given after the ruling of the same sexed marriage.

Just seeing Nicky carrying Rose, and holding James's hand as they walked towards me, down the aisle, make me cry. Tears of happiness, I must add.

It will be a day that I will never forget, to see the love of my life, and my 2 beautiful children standing next to me. I am glad that I could share this perfect day with both of our families, and our group of friends. Barry later told me that he hadn't set a date for his wedding, but he was so glad that he could share in this special day, and that he and Nicky had been planning this for a while now.

For our honeymoon we are heading to Holland, as Stephen has offered his Dutch house, which we have taken up. James and Rose will be staying with their mother, who played a important role in the wedding, by being a witness to our marriage.


Looking back over the past few years, I think I've learnt a lot about myself, that I didn't know existed, and also my loved ones.

I have 2 beautiful children James and Rose who I love so much, and I am loving every little milestone that they pass. Also I cant wait to watch them grow year by year, which will be so amazing to think that they are ours.  But the most amazing think that I have experienced is finding my soul mate, and I have so much to thank them for. Where do I start? Firstly being the most amazing friend to me, while we were in the band, who would have guessed that it would turn out like this, secondly the perfect father to two wonderful children that we are raising with the help of their mother, but most importantly my husband, Nicky, that's sounds so weird but it would be coming up to one year soon. I cant believe that I've found my soul mate and they were under my nose the whole time. To be able to spend the rest of my life with someone as caring and as perfect as Nicky, its such a wonderful journey to take and it will have its ups and downs, and we will take each day as it  comes and cherish every moment.

So thank you Nicky, James and Rose, and of course Eilidh, I thought I'd better name you, because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the pleasure of having James and Rose around. Never give up on your dreams, I'm sure you'll be happy with David, and I wish you all the best.

That's all Folks, time for me to stop writing!

Mark Byrne-Feehily ( how weird is that?)