My Own Experience!
I was introduced to 'Kian' by this girl Essie (i don't associated with this person anymore!) It started off as alright. One night it was 'kian', 'nicky' and 'bryan'. each having a different colour to distinguish themselves easier. It was chatting to 'bryan' and 'nicky' that i learnt that 'kian' was upset, and apparently had tried to jump out the window while i was chatting with them... I didn't think that would be true, but the 'lads' assured me that Essie wasn't lying to me, so i went along with it... Months passed, and 'kian' seems to be trying to kill himself a number of times, and kept being involved in car accidents.
I knew that this was getting very weird, but i had no real proof that it was the REAL kian, so i thought i'd investigate. How i discovered that Essie was lying, was that she told me that Kian was in a coma, and she didn't think he was gonna make it... and that it was all hush hush...but unknown to her, a fan on one of the mailing lists i'm on, posted pics of the band. Boy was i shocked to see Kian, looking alright. So i confronted Essie with the pics which were from the dates that 'kian' was supposedly in a coma, and she replied saying that she had been fooled as well...
Slowly, clues that made 'kian' a fake slowly came out. One of the obvious clues that came out, was once 'kians' yahoo id came up, and i said hi, but it wasn't him, but a student just using a library computer in Belgium.. it seems that 'kian' had activated the 'remember id and password' on the yahoo messenger. So everytime someone turned on that computer, the yahoo messenger would load up as well.... i politely told them to inactivate 'remember id and password' the guy was worried that the person might not know the password...Also the occasion slip up regarding time differences and locations...and the time i asked where the other lads were, and he didnt know where they were... which was bizarre!
Soon, i was very angry at Essie, for lying to me, and making me look the fool by thinking it was really Kian... so i started putting messages on hermessage board, and a few other ppl who i had discussed this with, were also putting messages on it, saying that Essie was a lier and stuff. Essie has removed it from her site, which makes us all know that she in fact has been lying to us....
That's my experience, i'm pretty cautious now, about chatting to ppl on the net who know westlife...cos who knows they could be another "essie"
Eilidh Calder 2000