My 2nd Experience
Well, what do ya know, i'm being fooled again. This time it's not the 'westlifer' but the so-called girlfriend of this member.
I never considered her a friend. A friend is always there for you, not putting you down, saying that you've got no heart, or that you're too busy thinking of yourself to think of others, unlike this girl who thinks this of me. Why, i don't know, she's never met me in real life! so how can she judge!
She sounded like a genuine person, but i'd had my suspicions on her and her stories.
So i did a little investigating with some advice from a friend, and discover that i had an e-mail from her and an e-mail from 'Shane' on the same day which had the same IP addy. Co-incidence, i think not! Which meant that the 2 e-mails were written on the same computer, which wasnt disconnected between the e-mails. But unless she and 'shane' were together on that day, and why to the point were they both using a Dutch server, when "they" were both in Sligo! Odd. But Westlife werent home at that time, at the time of the e-mail, they were in South Africa. Obviously they were trying to make it sound realistic, with times and stuff, along with the time in Ireland...but sooner or later the cracks will start to emerge, and the truth hidden behind the walls of doubt, will be out in the open.
There are so many of us, that are in this web of lies. All i want is the Truth, and i want it now!
To Be Continued!