
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Let's Make Tonight Special

It was the last whole day on the island, I knew tonight had to be special. Since it was our last night on the Island.

I got out of the bed, not wanting to wake up Eilidh, who lay asleep on the other side. She looked so beautiful.

I went to have a shower and got dressed.

By the time I’d returned from the bathroom, Eilidh had awoken.

"Morning!" She said, sitting up in bed..

"Morning, Did you sleep well?"

"yeah, I did!"

"You coming to breakfast?"

"Give me a few mins, while I get dressed.." Eilidh said, grabbing some clothes, and going to the bathroom.

Minutes later, she returned..

Soon we were on our way to the restaurant, even at 8am, the temperature was probably 28 degrees and rising…

We sat eating breakfast, overlooking the harbour, and the main island. Already, the island was abuzz with people starting work..

I said that I wanted to get some souvenirs. So I left Eilidh, checking out her e-mails, which she had neglected over the past 3 days…

When I returned to the island, Eilidh seemed to be still checking her e-mail. As I got closer, I noticed that she’d been crying.

"Eil, what’s wrong?" I asked, but I already knew what…It seems that Eilidh had been browsing the newspapers, and that there was a story about me and Georgina, and how we were supposedly still in love with each other, and that we’d be getting married very soon…

"I can’t believe that rubbish, its all crap…Eilidh, believe me when I say that I DON’T love Georgina anyway, and I’m not in a hurry to take her back, let alone marry her." I said, trying to re-assure Eilidh.

"Nicky, I know, but why is she doing this to you?" She said, wiping the tears..

"I don’t know, but I wonder if Ronan knows anything…" I said, quickly dialing a number on his mobile..

"Ronan, its Nicky! Yeah, we’re both fine. What this Georgina business? I just read a story on the mirror site…..Really? wow…..Shit, I never knew….its all false….yeah we’ll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"So what did Ronan have to say?" Eilidh asked.

"Nothing that we didn’t know already!" I said, very annoyed.

"Nix, lets go for a swim" Eilidh said, taking off her T-shirt to reveal her bikini..

"I could do with some cooling off" I said.

The water was warm, and as we relaxed, all the troubles seem to simply disappear!

After the swim, we just sat on the deck, I went inside to order lunch. And we sat there eating it on the deck, watching the boats go by.

"I can’t believe that this is our last night here…times gone fast!"

"yeah, I know, we’ll have to make tonight special!" I said.

"Oh? And what did you have in mind? Or is that a surprise?" Eilidh said curiously.

"Um, maybe dinner, one last walk along the beach…who knows what else?" I said.

After the swim, Eilidh went back to her e-mails.

"Anything more about Georgina?" I asked, seeing her looking at her laptop.

"Um, yeah, loads of e-mails saying congratulations to you guys…..oh my god…" she said.

"What is it?" I asked, moving closer to her, so I could see.

It was an e-mail about some radio station in Ireland, saying that they had heard that there wouldn’t be any pending marriage between the westlife heartthrob and the prime ministers daughter, due to the fact of an incident in New Zealand, which left Nicky Byrne, nursing a broken heart, as Georgina dumped him in front of some of the other members of westlife, it seemed Mark was entertaining a woman at another table…

"Nicky, would you mind if I replied to this e-mail, saying that it’s true…" Eilidh said.

"Not at all. I mean the fans need to know the truth!" I said, going back to where I was catching the last of the sunshine before it set.

After a while, Eilidh seemed to be getting replies about her e-mail. Most of them personal ones, inquiring how she KNEW about it.

She didn’t exactly tell them the whole truth, she wasn’t there when Georgina actually broke up with Nicky. She was sitting with Mark, on another table…but she told them that she was staying at the hotel, and had talked with the guys before, and after the incident.

Later, as the sun began to set, the clouds decided to join the party, and what was to be a perfect sunset, turned into a no-show…

But instead, we got an unexpected thunderstorm, which didn’t dampen our spirits, we sat there watching it as it moved across the island, and soon it was over, and the clouds seemed to disappear, leaving a crystal blue sky and a bright yellow sun, slowly setting on the horizon.

After the sun had set, we both went inside to get ready for dinner. We decided to eat on the island, as it was closer, and with an early flight back to Sydney tomorrow morning, we didn’t want to stay out late.

I decided to get dressed up for our last night, I wanted it to be perfect. I came out of the bathroom, and Eilidh’s eyes lit up. She couldn’t believe how handsome I looked, and she was wearing this gorgeous dress, which looked very sexy on her.

As we walked from our bungalow, to the restaurant, we couldn’t believe that the 3 days had gone fast.

Over dinner, we chatted about things, and how we both enjoyed this short break, and both promising to come back…

It was over dessert that I couldn’t keep it any longer. I reached into my jacket pocket, and pull out the small box.

Eilidh had no idea, what was happening. She saw me putting the box on the table.

"Eilidh, these past weeks, I’ve thought nothing but you, how you seemed to be there for me, when I was going through a hard time with Georgie dumping me. Also, how you were always there when I needed someone to talk to. I hope that this isn’t a shock, but I’ve discovered that I LOVE YOU. and well, there’s no really easy way to say this, but will you Eilidh Ann Calder, marry me, Nicholas James Bernard Adam Byrne?" I said, and then opening the small box.

"Nicky, I honestly can say that I’ve thought nothing but you too. I mean those times when you were in New Zealand, they were very special to me. I didn’t think that things would, ah, come to this. That day, when I flew back to Wellington, I felt that I was gonna lose you forever, and that you’d find out that you couldn’t live with out Georgina and go back to her.." Eilidh said.

"Eilidh, why would I do that? I know that we’d been in a serious relationship for 7 years, and well, I guess we both found out that the love we once shared, wasn’t as strong as we thought it was." I said, grabbing her hand.

"My friends kept telling me that you’d go back to her, I couldn’t face losing you. So when Ronan rang me to say you were miserable, I knew that it wasn’t Georgina that you were miserable over, it was me!!" She said, with a smile.

"Yeah, those days hanging with you in Auckland, were days that I’d never felt before. I mean they were totally different to days that I had spent with Georgina. They felt real and not some publicity gathering day, where being seen with me was good publicity for her."

"Nicholas James Bernard Adam Byrne, I Eilidh Ann Calder will be honoured to become your wife…."

"Really?" I said, close to crying..

"Yes, really. I don’t ever want to lose you again…."Eilidh said, wiping the tears away.

After a while, we both started laughing as the restaurant was playing "I love the way you love me" a favourite song of both of us!

As we left the restaurant, with the ring safety on Eilidh’s finger, we took the long way back to our bungalow, via the beach. The moon was up, and the stars were out, twinkling in the sky.

When we got back to the bungalow, we knew that we should get some sleep, as we had a flight at 8am tomorrow, and we had to be at the airport at 7am. So we both had a shower together, and then got into bed.

As I lay there, staring at Eilidh, I felt as though nothing in the world could ruin a perfect week…

Part Four