A Fragile Heart
Part 7 Part 8
Just then, this voice starts singing&ldots;
"You ask me if I love you, And I choke on my reply,
I'd rather hurt you honestly, Than mislead you with a lie,
And who am I to judge you, On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning to see the real you"
I sat there, filling up with emotion, whoever was singing, had seem to touch a nerve or something within my heart..
Fees face seemed to drop, when she realised who was singing. I just didnt want to spoil the moment by seeing who was singing&ldots;
"And sometimes when we touch,The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide, I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry, I wanna hold you 'til the fear in me subsides"
I couldnt hold the tears any longer, I knew who was singing, and I just couldnt control the tears, thankfully I wasnt facing the stage, so Nicky couldnt see my face&ldots;
The others sat in awe at Nicky singing.
"Romance and all its strategy, Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity, Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer, Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter, Still trapped within my youth"
I excused myself from the group, and found a empty table, I just felt like crying&ldots; I couldnt bare to look at Nicky. I knew if he saw the tears that I was crying, hed probably start too&ldots;
"And sometimes when we touch, The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide, I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry, I wanna hold you 'til the fear in me subsides"
I noticed the other lads looking at me, but didnt see Mark coming over.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, its just this song, its a fave of mine&ldots;" I said, wiping my eyes
"Yeah, its Nickys fave too, thats why hes singing it&ldots;"
"I guess, just hearing the lines, words, caused me to well up!"
"Nickys doing a good job, ya know. His voice surprises me as well."
"His voice is so different from the others&ldots;"
"At times I'd like to break you, And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through, And hold you endlessly"
"So are ya doing this Karaoke thing?" I asked, candidly.
"Yeah!, you were up first, right? You were brilliant, me and the lads were like oh my god and Nicky, well he was just very quiet, not saying anything, obviously he was taking it in, note by note, word by word, line by line, verse by verse!"
"Ive never heard that before, that sounds so meaningful and yet so beautiful."
"And sometimes when we touch, The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide, I wanna hold you til I die
Til we both break down and cry, I wanna hold you 'til the fear in me subsides"
"Well, I better head back," said Mark, standing,
"Yeah, me too." I said, getting up as well.
I walked back to the table.
"Eilidh, are you alright?" asked everyone.
"Yeah, I am. Just got a bit emotional over that song. I just needed to be by myself and have a good cry!!"
"Awww" they said.
"Ah, Eilidh, since when does crying involve Mark from Westlife?" said Fee.
"Fee, trust you to be staring, if you noticed, he came over to me to see if I was alright!" I said, smiling.
"Yeah, well at least it got him away from the girl with obsession written all over her face!"
We both cracked up&ldots;
"Next up, is Mark&ldots;"
The music started. Hes not doing this song is he? The other lads were trying to hide their faces as they were so embarrassed...
As Mark started singing "Come On Over", everyone was totally silent. No one could believe that he was singing this song&ldots;